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Help Reduce Extreme Household Poverty

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We're hoping to fully fund this project as soon as possible!

Rwanda, RW0504 | RW0731 | RW0892 | RW0932 
606 registered Compassion children impacted

Recently, four of our local church partners in Rwanda told us about an urgent need to provide pig farms to families experiencing food insecurity.

The rural communities served by these churches rely on agricultural activities like farming and raising livestock for survival. Lower crop yields in recent years have left many families struggling to get enough to eat. To help children avoid malnutrition and other harmful results of poverty, seven churches have come up with a strategic plan to help caregivers generate a steady source of income through pig farming.

These churches, which best know the unique needs of their communities, say that pigs are one of the most effective ways to help families for several reasons:

  • Pigs are prolific breeders, with a relatively short gestation period of 115 days.
  • One pig can produce four to eight piglets per litter.     
  • Pigs don’t require a lot of expensive food because they eat food scraps and vegetation.
  • Pigs provide manure, which helps food crops grow, and pork.

We need to meet these families’ needs quickly and strategically. Once this project is fully funded, our church partners will provide piglets and pig-farming training to 910 households of participants in Compassion’s program. This is a gift that multiplies: After a pig gives birth, each household that received a pig will give a piglet to another household, spreading the impact many times over! The goal is to increase food security, stable incomes and education among these families in Rwanda, where Compassion has partnered with local churches since 1980 to serve over 110,000 children.

Would you donate toward this important opportunity for churches in need?


Gifts shown here illustrate goods and services used in Compassion’s holistic child development program. All contributions designated for specific funds will be applied to those projects and to administering the gifts. We desire to be good stewards of your gift, and when we receive more contributions for a given fund than we can use, we apply those funds to meet similar pressing needs.

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