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Send Young People in Ghana to College

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Our church partners seek to put 353 young adults through college.

Recently, our church partners in Ghana informed us that they know many brilliant young people struggling to afford university educations.

Ghana has a robust higher education system. But local policy changes have made education increasingly expensive. And our partner churches often see brilliant young people give up on their dreams because they simply can't afford university.

They never meet their full potential because of poverty.

Our partners are jumping into action to right this wrong. They’re asking for $78,559.33 to put 176 students through one year of university.

That comes to just $446.36 per student.

That might sound like a bargain for higher education. But for students from impoverished families, that price tag is simply impossible to afford. They need your help! Will you help these young people unlock their potential and break free from poverty?

We’re hoping to fund this project by April 30.

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