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Rebuild Homes, Restore Hope in the Dominican Republic

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Provide safe, sturdy shelters for children living in unimaginable conditions.

In poverty-stricken communities like Santo Domingo and other areas across the Dominican Republic, many Compassion-assisted children face unimaginable living situations. Their homes are mere shacks — fragile shelters cobbled together from scraps of zinc, cardboard and plastic. Roofs are leaky, walls are crumbling and floors are dirt. The problem is made worse during hurricane season.

These harsh conditions leave children exposed to the relentless elements and rob them of basic privacy, security and dignity. They have no safe place to study, play or simply be kids. Parents live in constant fear that the flimsy structures could collapse at any moment.

But you can help rebuild homes and restore hope for these 35 precious children and their families in desperate need. Through Compassion's home reconstruction initiative, your gift will fund comprehensive renovations to provide:

  • Safe, permanent shelters with solid roofs, walls and floors.
  • Separate bedrooms to prevent overcrowding.
  • Private bathroom facilities.
  • Secure environments to protect children from abuse and exploitation.

With a stable, sturdy home, children can finally experience the security, comfort and dignity they deserve. Parents can have peace of mind knowing their children are protected from the elements. And families will have a fresh start toward breaking the cycle of generational poverty.

The total cost for this life-changing home reconstruction project is $188,014. But when 753 compassionate people donate just $250 each, we can reach the goal and transform lives across the Dominican Republic.

Give today and help vulnerable children leave their fragile shacks behind so they can have safe places to call home — and a foundation for a better future.

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