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Defeat Dengue in Colombia and Bring Health and Hope to Children

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Protect 4,000 vulnerable children from deadly dengue outbreaks.

In poverty-stricken regions across Colombia, each rainy season brings a devastating threat — explosive dengue fever outbreaks that put thousands of children's lives at risk.

Dengue is a deadly virus borne by mosquitoes that breed in standing water from the heavy rains. Since most families can’t access vaccines or treatments, prevention is the only way to stop its spread.

But in Colombia's poorest communities, families can’t afford basic prevention measures like mosquito nets. Their makeshift houses provide ample mosquito breeding grounds, leaving children exposed to catching this life-threatening virus.

By supporting this critical dengue prevention initiative, you can help protect 4,000 highly vulnerable children registered in Compassion's program.

For $129,271, our church partners can provide insecticide-treated mosquito nets to every at-risk child, creating a protective barrier at the height of dengue season. Families will also be trained in how to eliminate mosquito breeding sites in their homes and communities.

When 517 people donate $250 each, we can reach this fundraising goal and protect thousands of young lives across Colombia's most affected regions.

No child should have to suffer or die from a preventable mosquito bite. Your generosity can keep these innocent young ones safe and healthy during peak dengue periods.

Give now and help surround 4,000 precious children with vital shields of protection against deadly dengue fever.

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