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Piggery for Income Generation

Pigs Provide Families with Income in Rwanda!

In July 2023, Compassion told supporters about a need experienced by seven of our partnering churches in Rwanda. These communities are very rural, and their access to food and income generation were heavily focused on crop production. But with a low agricultural output, the solution needed to include diversified farming activities. So Compassion asked our supporters to help provide pigs to over 910 low-income families.

Because of the generosity of our supporters, 910 caregivers were enrolled in pig-farming classes and given practical resources to start piggeries.

Teachers for these classes were a combination of local pastors, Rwandan Compassion staff and local veterinarians. Classes offered training to participants on pig breeding, how to identify pig illnesses and knowledge of treatments, feeding techniques and how to construct pig sheds. After the educational component, the participants constructed pig sheds and pigs were distributed.

The program leaders reported that the participants are determined to continue piggery work and understand that by working together as a community and contributing to social capital, they will be even more successful.

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The project director gathers together local participants to talk about the piggery project guidelines. As part of the educational component to the project, a veterinarian provided participants with knowledge and skills regarding pig rearing.

A new pig shed, built by participants of the program, ready for pig rearing!