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Help raise a generation of farmers who love God’s creation in the Philippines

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We're hoping to fully fund this project as soon as possible!

They aren’t kidding when they call Lanao del Norte “Land of Bounty and Beauty.” It’s the kind of place where you can go from feeling sand between your toes to hearing the roar of waterfalls to watching the sunset on rugged mountain lakes and plateaus.

And yet, the environment — and the incomes of thousands of families — are in grave danger.

Why? Because for years, the citizens of Lanao del Norte have been small-scale farmers and fishermen. That sounds like a pretty good line of work in a place called “Land of Bounty and Beauty.” That is, of course, until unsustainable farming and fishing practices render the land and oceans less fertile.

That means less food for more people in a growing region.

That’s why 12 local Compassion partner churches have developed a program to promote Biblical stewardship in Lanao del Norte.

There are three stages of the program:

  1. Caregivers in coastal communities will learn fishing practices that don’t destroy fish populations and that provide stable, long-term incomes and food supplies for them and their families.
  2. Families in farming communities will learn how to raise hogs and crops without degrading soil quality and damaging future crop yields.
  3. Communities will learn sustainable farm-to-cup coffee cultivation.

As these communities learn and practice these skills, local governments will be replanting mangrove forests, which are cornerstones of the ecosystem. All this effort will not only reinvigorate and protect God’s creation, but it will ensure families in the region have enough to eat for years to come.

Local churches expect to help 1,167 people in Lanao del Norte through these long-term practices. It’s an ambitious goal — at a cost of $129 per person impact, the total project will cost $150,815.98.

If you feel the Spirit’s leading, would you consider contributing to help these families sustainably provide for themselves? Remember, it takes $129 to help one person avert an economic and food crisis, and anything you can give helps.

Would you donate toward this important opportunity for churches in need?

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