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Urgent: Enhance the dignity and health of Kenyan students by funding a bathroom

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We're hoping to fully fund this project as soon as possible!

The first thing you notice is the smell. That’s the unfortunate reality at some of the churches Compassion partners with in Kenya.

It’s not that they don’t have bathrooms. It’s certainly not that they don’t care about hygiene! They know firsthand the illnesses and shame that come from lacking adequate facilities.

It’s that the facilities only have one toilet per 50 students. And those toilets are housed in cramped, structurally weak bathrooms that keep smells in instead of letting them out.

That means students face long lines for small and unsafe toilets that lack privacy. It’s not a situation anyone would want to endure, especially self-conscious children growing into adults.

Your gift will provide adequate toilets for 486 students. The cost per student? $85.68. The goal is to fully fund every student at all seven churches with the dignity of proper hygiene.

Would you consider giving? Again, $85.68 is all it takes to provide the dignity of proper hygiene to a child who desperately needs and desires it! Anything you can give towards our goal is welcome.

Would you donate toward this important opportunity for churches in need?

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