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Build Bathrooms for Families in Rwanda

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We're hoping to fully fund this project as soon as possible!

Protect their health, safety and dignity.

Recently, our local church partners in Rwanda told us about an urgent need to provide bathrooms for the families of 445 children who attend Compassion centers.

The churches are reporting increased illnesses and deaths related to poor sanitation in the rural communities they serve — especially the Rusizi and Nyamasheke areas. A recent survey by Compassion Rwanda found that many children and youths in Compassion’s program don’t have toilets at home. This leads to open defecation, which threatens dignity, health and safety — especially for girls and women. Children forced to go to the bathroom in public places are more vulnerable to predators who would abuse them.

The lack of sanitary bathrooms also increases diarrheal disease, which can keep children out of school and parents home from work. As a result, these illnesses not only threaten lives but also families’ ability to escape poverty.

We need to meet these families’ needs for bathrooms quickly and strategically. Once this project is fully funded, our church partners will promote hygiene and sanitation for Compassion program participants and their families by:

  • Building 445 safe bathrooms for the most vulnerable households.
  • Training 160 staff members and 64 children’s caregivers about disease prevention, proper hygiene and sanitation. These staff and caregivers will then pass along the training to the rest of the children and caregivers served by these 32 Compassion centers.
  • Monitoring and evaluating to ensure the project is making a lasting impact.

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