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Provide Famine Relief in Uganda

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Eating leafy greens for dinner is a choice in America. For Grandma Lucia and her three grandchildren, it’s a matter of life and death.

That’s because she and hundreds of others in the Karamoja region of Uganda face famine. According to our local church partners, drought and inflation have resulted in less food at higher cost. Raiders target and steal what little food remains.

So Grandma Lucia and her grandchildren eat leaves to fill their aching stomachs and dry mouths. But it’s not enough. The Compassion staff who visited her home described them as wasting away.

Local Compassion centers are delivering relief to their neighbors. They’re handing out meal kits to large families at greatest risk of starvation.

But they’re delaying the inevitable. They need additional resources to provide long-term famine relief.

Right now, they seek to aid 2,834 adults and children with comprehensive famine relief. That means:

  • Meal kits that save lives with two meals a day for three months.
  • Smart agriculture education about which crops to raise and water conservation.
  • Drought resistant seeds like maize, sorghum, sunflower and more.

It takes just $52 to provide one person in Karamoja with three months of food. Your donation of $364 would feed a family of seven.

Will you help Grandma Lucia and other families facing famine?



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