Build Toilets for Sri Lankan Children
Donate To This CampaignSixty children in Sri Lanka desperately need toilets in their homes.
Poverty plagues the Sri Lankan countryside. For many of the children there, going to the bathroom looks like a walk in the woods. Some share toilets with neighbors or churches. Some haven’t even seen toilets before.
And the consequences can be worse than many imagine.
Lacking toilets threatens these children’s health. It skyrockets the risk of diarrheal disease, which can lead to stunted growth and even death in children.
It also leaves children vulnerable to abuse, especially girls. They have no choice but to relieve themselves in the woods, even at night. They’re isolated. And if there’s a predator in their community, these girls are at grave risk of harm.
That’s why we need your help to install toilets in 60 of these children’s homes.
We’re supporting nine projects across the island. Each home will get a toilet and a water tap. The entire family will also receive education about personal hygiene and toilet maintenance.
That means each of these children will have a private, clean and safe place to relieve themselves.
We seek to raise $83,655 for these children.
That comes out to $364.46 per child.
Will you join us to provide safety for these children?
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