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Tailoring & Cutting Workshop

30 Students Enrolled in a Tailoring Workshop!

In July 2023, Compassion presented a need in Guatemala. In the most rural parts of the country, there are few job opportunities. Many families struggle to meet basic needs, meaning very few families can afford to send young people to college. Thankfully, our church partners in Guatemala identified a way for young adults to learn a trade and earn an income. By attending a tailoring workshop, participants will learn skills empowering them to create and sell garments. This training would allow these young students to sustain themselves financially as they pursue longer-term goals like university.

We asked our supporters to help fund these classes. Because of the generous response, this dream is now a reality!

With the funds donated, an instructor was hired, a classroom full of sewing machines was rented and materials like bolts of fabric were purchased. Next, 30 participants were enrolled with their tuition paid for. Now, classes have begun!

This tailoring course lasts 18 months, meaning there is still so much left to this story. Please join us in prayer for the instructor, the 30 students and their families. We know this cause will have a lifelong impact, and we are so thankful our donors chose to give generously!

To read more updates like this, please visit our Impact Reporting page

The class instructor greets the students and introduces them to the equipment.

A participant practices sewing a garment on the machine.

A participant proudly displays a t-shirt she made in the class. She can sell her goods locally, raising funds for her family or for college.