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Entrepreneurship Training

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Mothers Start Small Businesses and Provide for their Families!

In July 2023, Compassion told our supporters about a special need in Peru: Mothers needed support finding ways to financially provide for their families. With the ongoing impact of the pandemic, these mothers were in highly vulnerable financial situations and needed urgent intervention.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, 16 mothers were enrolled in entrepreneurial classes.

The women attended courses at their local church, taught by a professor, learning topics like business management, financial administration, inventory and marketing. All 16 women graduated the program and have now started their own businesses, including animal husbandry, coffee bean production, grocery sales, street cart vending and shoe repair.

There is an implementation committee which takes turns visiting the businesses and will offer ongoing support to address questions, provide business support and help monitor the profits of these small businesses.

One of the participants would like to share her experience. Maria (pictured below in the first photo) said:

"I am a single mother. Before the intervention, our life was complicated, there was not always bread on the table, and our constant concern was the future of our children. My income was so little, there was no hope to give them a better future. But thanks to the help of the church, along with other moms, I have taken some workshops to establish our businesses well. I have a small warehouse, in which I sell groceries, and little by little my family is generating income. This helps me buy food; before, there were times when we didn't eat well, but my children are now more secure in their diet. Now we have hope for a better future.”

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Maria is shown here with her two sons and her two younger sisters who are reliant on her for care. In the entrepreneurial training class, Maria was able to develop and implement a business plan selling groceries from a room in a part of her home.

Jorge and Maria are sponsored children. After participating in these entrepreneurial classes, their mother started a food stand business in their home.

Maria is a single mother of two children. She participated in the entrepreneurship training course and was provided with a sandwich cart, utensils and other supplies, which allowed her to start a business.