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College Fees in Tanzania

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University Tuition has been Covered for 165 Tanzanian Students!

In August 2023, Compassion reminded our supporters how difficult it is for students in Tanzania to attend college due to the unaffordable tuition fees. Student loans are not readily available, meaning many students simply have no access to higher education.

The program director said they see three main benefits to Compassion students attending university:

  1. Community Contribution: College-educated participants are often more likely to return to their communities after graduation and engage in community service. They may play a significant role in addressing societal challenges and promoting positive change.

  2. Social and Cultural Enrichment: College education fosters social interactions and exposure to diverse perspectives, leading to a more culturally enriched and tolerant society.

  3. Career Advancement: College degrees are often prerequisites for many professional positions. Paying university fees enables participants to qualify for a broader range of career opportunities and positions with higher levels of responsibility.

We asked our supporters to cover tuition for 165 students, and because of donations, these students are now enrolled in higher education courses, and experiencing these benefits firsthand!

Another reason for celebration is that, with their tuition covered, the students chose courses they were passionate about, regardless of the cost. In the past, participants sometimes chose the cheapest course rather than an area of interest. By enrolling in college programs that fit their abilities and true interests, students stay in the program longer, receive better grades and have better long-term career development. One college student said, “Your kindness has lifted a burden from our shoulders, and we are profoundly grateful.”

We ask for your continued prayers for the students as they pursue their studies and prepare for their professional careers. Meet our students and read about their chosen career paths in the photos and captions below.

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A Compassion-sponsored child celebrates her acceptance to the University of Agriculture located in the Mororgoro region, where she will study to gain a bachelor's degree in Community Development.

John has begun his university studies to earn a Doctor of Medicine degree.

Andrea is enrolled at the University of Dodoma, where she is studying Broadcast Journalism.